*** ----> Air-purifying Hibiscus planted in Salman City | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Air-purifying Hibiscus planted in Salman City

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The National Initiative for Agricultural Development (NIAD), in partnership with the Ministry of Municipalities Affairs and Agriculture and the Supreme Council for Environment (SCE), announced that the national campaign for afforestation “Forever Green” has received contributions from five private sector institutions which are, Self-Drive Mobility, Mazda Bahrain, Shifa Al Jazeera, Laguna Resort, and the Indian Institute for Performing Arts (IIPA).

This timely support will be used to plant air-purifying Hibiscus tiliaceus seedlings along the coast of Salman City and other areas.

The campaign was attended by H.E. Shaikha Maram bint Isa Al Khalifa, NIAD Secretary-General, Rawya Al Mannai, Assistant Undersecretary for Joint Municipal Services, Shoham Shah, Co-Founder and CEO of Self-drive Mobility, Kabir Mulchandani, consultant in Self-drive Mobility, Dr G Babu, the director of (IIPA), Ajay Pillai, Radio Mirchi Station Head.