*** ----> Bahrain court clears nurse of manslaugher in patient’s death | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain court clears nurse of manslaugher in patient’s death

TDT | Manama    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Bahrain High Appeals Court upheld the acquittal of a nurse on charges of manslaughter against an Asian patient who fell while being moved from her bed to a wheelchair, causing complications that led to her death.

The court confirmed from the case papers that the appellant was not present at the time of the victim’s fall.

Meanwhile, it unanimously overturned the second defendant’s acquittal, ruling to convict and imprison her for one year.

The prosecution had referred the two nurses to trial on charges of manslaughter as a result of their violation of professional procedure.

The incident began with the reported death of an Asian patient suffering from a fever. She was diagnosed with a CT scan, which revealed a brain haemorrhage, and was admitted to critical care.

However, she passed away.


By referring to the National Health Regulatory Authority (NHRA) for expert opinion, the court concluded that there was negligence on the part of the two nurses supervising the victim.

Malpractice had occurred in transferring the patient from her bed to the wheelchair, which led to the patient falling to the ground and hitting her head.

The second defendant failed to inform the doctors who treated the victim of what had happened.

The court stated that the second defendant’s guilt was established, whereas the first defendant was not present when the victim fell.

This was proven by the disciplinary committee, in addition to witness statements that corroborated the absence of the first appellant at the time of the incident.

Furthermore, the first appellant denied all charges laid against her by the NHRA in the investigation records.

The court added that criminal rulings are based on certain proof rather than speculation.

The case papers had no evidence to condemn the appellant; thereby, they deemed it necessary to judge her innocence.