*** ----> Asian sailor convicted of attacking Coast Guard officers loses appeal | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Asian sailor convicted of attacking Coast Guard officers loses appeal

The High Appeals Court has upheld the sentence issued against an Asian man convicted of attacking two officers serving in the Coast Guard. The defendant was sentenced to one year behind bars, followed by immediate deportation. According to court files, the defendant was among sailors shrimping during the off season, which is an illegal act according to the local law. The two officers were assigned to head to the zone, where the sailors were shrimping, after receiving a tip-off.

 It was reported that the defendant attempted to flee as soon as he saw the police officers closing in on them. Therefore, they chased him, calling him to stop. However, he refused and continued running away until one of his boat’s engine broke down. As a result, he turned his boat and crashed it into the officers’ boat in an effort to hurt them. He was eventually brought under control, although the officers suffered various body injuries due to the assault.

The defendant was charged with shrimping and attacking on-duty police officers. The High Criminal Court had earlier said in its ruling that it used article 72 of the local penal law, which allowed it to give a light sentence under certain circumstances.