*** MOI: Expatriates Must Respect Laws or Face Deportation; Warns of Rising Crimes by Bangladeshi Nationals | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MOI: Expatriates Must Respect Laws or Face Deportation; Warns of Rising Crimes by Bangladeshi Nationals

TDT | By Mohammed Darwish

Email : editor@newsofbahrain.com

Bangladeshi workers are increasingly being linked to public safety concerns in Bahrain, topping crime statistics and causing unease among citizens, according to the Interior Ministry. A recent incident at sea, which left one citizen seriously injured and another missing, has drawn greater attention to the issue.

In a statement issued earlier today, the ministry stressed that the safety of citizens remains its top priority and assured that the law would be enforced equally on all individuals in the Kingdom, including expatriate workers.

‘Figures show that Bangladeshi workers rank highest in serious crimes and frequent breaches of the law, creating risks to public safety and adding to public concerns,’ the ministry said. It also cited repeated offences at sea, including the recent case, which has further unsettled the public.

The ministry noted that the increase in crimes committed by Bangladeshi workers has contributed to a widespread feeling that they are unwelcome within Bahraini society.

‘All workers in Bahrain are required to respect local laws and uphold the country’s traditions. Any violation, regardless of its severity, will lead to the offender being detained and deported in accordance with legal procedures,’ the statement added.

The ministry’s comments come amid growing calls to address these concerns and ensure public safety remains a priority.