*** Workshop held on how to identify risk of suicide | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Workshop held on how to identify risk of suicide

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

The Indian Community Relief Fund (ICRF), in association with the Indian Ladies Association (ILA), organised a gatekeeper training workshop on Friday, 19 July 2024.

This is the third of the series we have scheduled during this Silver Jubilee year. The training under the banner ICRF-LIFE (Listen, Involve, Foster, Engage) is an initiative of ICRF which trains participants on how to identify those at risk of suicide.

The training also equips the volunteers with the necessary intervention skills and raise awareness of help that is available.

Dr. Anisha Abraham, Clinical psychologist, Child Foundation Centre and Dr Surabhila Pattali, Learning and development facilitator-Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance conducted the training which was moderated by ICRF Chairman Dr Babu Ramachandran.

Around 50 participants including executive members of various associations joined the training session which was held at the ILA premises in Zinj.

The training provided insight on how to deal with suicide prevention and provide mental health support.