*** Oxford Quality Award: Al Noor International School Renews Oxford Quality Status | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Oxford Quality Award: Al Noor International School Renews Oxford Quality Status

TDT | Manama
Email : editor@newsofbahrain.com

Al Noor International School has reaffirmed its commitment to the Oxford Quality Programme after three highly successful academic years since the historic partnership with Oxford University Press was established in November 2021.

The Oxford Quality Programme is a global initiative by Oxford University Press that partners with selected schools sharing a commitment to excellence in teaching. Al Noor International School was the first in the Gulf region to be invited to participate in this prestigious partnership in recognition of its strong emphasis on effective teaching in reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as well as its high standards of practice and student outcomes in these areas.

Ceremony Highlights
The second certificate of participation was officially presented to School Chairman Mr. Ali Hassan during a ceremony held at the school. Mr. Hassan remarked, “To be the only school in the Gulf region to receive such a high accolade in 2021 was tremendously satisfying after years of hard work nurturing and growing our school culture. Receiving the Oxford Quality Mark for a second time truly validates the values and standards we hold so precious at Al Noor and demonstrates the trust that Oxford University places in us as a high-quality institution of learning.”

The event was attended by School Chairman Mr. Ali Hassan, School Director Dr. Muhammad Mashood, Acting Principal Mr. AbdulRahman Kooheji, and other school officials. Representing Oxford University Press were Ms. Jennifer Duggan, Schools and Qualifications Regional Manager for the Gulf, and Ms. Gill West, Senior Schools Relationship Manager.

Enhancing Standards
Since gaining the award in 2021, the school has collaborated closely with Oxford University Press, leveraging its outstanding print and digital resources and participating in world-class teacher training programmes. This collaboration has further elevated teaching standards at the school.

A Beacon of Excellence
Recognized as the "home of the English language" due to its world-famous dictionaries, Oxford University has been a beacon of quality for over 400 years. Oxford University Press is renowned for producing exceptional print and digital resources that, combined with high-quality professional development for teachers, support second-language learners worldwide.

This renewed partnership with Oxford University Press underscores Al Noor International School’s commitment to educational excellence and its dedication to fostering high standards in teaching and learning.