*** Capital Governorate Reaches 93% Sewage System Coverage | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Capital Governorate Reaches 93% Sewage System Coverage

TDT | Manama
Email : editor@newsofbahrain.com

The Ministry of Works has announced that approximately 93% of buildings in the Capital Governorate are now connected to the upgraded sewage system, marking a significant milestone in its broader modernisation programme for the Kingdom of Bahrain. Meanwhile, the Ministry confirmed its ongoing commitment to implementing strategic service plans, development projects, and infrastructure initiatives across the Kingdom of Bahrain. Responding to a parliamentary inquiry by MP Hassan Ebrahim Bukhamass, the ministry detailed its comprehensive approach to infrastructure development.

Significant Progress on Sanitation Infrastructure

Regarding the sanitation network, the ministry reported that approximately 93% of buildings in the Capital Governorate are connected to the sewage system. This figure rises to 99% in the governorate's fourth constituency. "Work continues to connect the remaining buildings in the fourth constituency, with project implementation based on a pre-determined programme considering factors such as the number of existing buildings, technical readiness, and the requirements of other service providers," the ministry stated, adding: "A project to establish a sewage network in Block 324 in Juffair is underway to address remaining unconnected properties in that area,"

Road Improvements

The ministry highlighted the completion of the Al Fateh Highway development project, a key strategic initiative extending from the Exhibitions Avenue entrance north to the Salman Port intersection south. "This BD 29,662,315 project encompasses improvements to the Shaikh Duaij Avenue intersection, the Gulf Hotel intersection, the Al Fateh Mosque intersection, and the Juffair roundabout, aiming to improve traffic flow in both directions," the ministry revealed.

"Several road projects are currently underway, including infrastructure development in Block 324 in Juffair, and improvements to roads such as Road 4225 in Block 342 in Al Ghuraifa, and Hassan Jawad AlJishi Avenue and Roads 3320 and 3321 in Block 333 in Umm Al Hassam.