*** Salute to womanhood | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Salute to womanhood

ManamaHer Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), yesterday patronised the official ceremony marking the Bahraini Women’s Day 2017.

In her message, on the occasion, Princess Sabeeka said, “Today we are celebrating the contributions of Bahraini women engineers, who have managed, like their counterparts in all fields of work and production, to establish a successful march of giving and dedication.”

“This is a source of our pride and a strong belief in the ability of Bahraini women to assume the responsibilities vested in them towards the nation and its citizens. History will record their patriotic contributions and landmark achievements with golden letters,” Her Royal Highness said. 

Deputy Prime Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al Khalifa attended the ceremony as deputised by HRH Princess Sabeeka. 

The activities, dedicated this year to Bahraini Women in the field of engineering, also brought the curtain down on the year-long activities held under the auspices of Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa. 

In her statement, Her Royal Highness stressed that the event embodies the prestigious status enjoyed by Bahraini women as “essential partners in the national progress and indispensable contributors to the nation-building and development process”.

“It is a national occasion that is similar to National Days, as described by the leader of the national forward-looking progress, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, whose care and support, have ensured the sustainability of women’s progress which now reflects the renaissance of an entire nation,” she said.

HRH Princess Sabeeka affirmed that the advanced level reached by Bahraini women could not have been possible without the unprecedented support of Bahraini men who have never hesitated to pave the way for their female partners to play their role in the nation-building process.

HRH Princess Sabeeka also extended thanks to all state institutions for their commendable efforts and support for the advancement of Bahraini women and the sustainability of their progress in various fields, hailing the support for SCW’s activities from all its partners.

Several governmental and non-governmental organisations in the Kingdom also joined the celebration by honouring their female employees. 

The Bahrain Institute For Pearls & Gemstones (DANAT) CEO Kenneth Scarratt, in a statement, said, “It is heartening to see how we in the Kingdom of Bahrain take time out to celebrate the overwhelming contribution that women make to family life, society in general and the workplace.” Danat celebrated the day by honouring its female employees. 

The Royal Charity Organisation (RCO) held a special ceremony in honour of its female staff in tribute to their efforts in the charitable and humanitarian work fields.  RCO Assistant Secretary-General for Planning and Charity Resources Development, Yussef Al-Yaqoob, attended the event.