*** Premier opens GIF 2016, praises Bahraini products' quality | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Premier opens GIF 2016, praises Bahraini products' quality

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has affirmed that the quality of the Bahraini products make them the best choice in the market because they precisely take the requirements and needs of consumers into account.

HRH Premier pointed out that the industrial sectors is one of the pillars of the kingdom's efforts to diversify its revenue sources, given its huge potentials and outstanding ability to revitalise the national economy.

The Prime Minister underscored the government's unwavering keenness on encouraging Bahraini companies to expand their operations through providing a series of facilities and incentives, alongside its support to GCC and foreign investments within the framework of the free and open market policy.

He stressed that the kingdom has become a leading country in hosting regional exhibitions and conferences thanks to its advanced and modern infrastructure that attract investors to it.

Specialised industrial fairs, including the Gulf Industry Fair (GIF), provide a platform to share expertise and reach deals among businessmen and investors, and open up wider horizons for developing importation and agreeing on joint ventures, which benefits the national economy and enhances its development and growth, HRH Premier said.

HRH the Prime Minister made the statements while patronising at the Bahrain International Exhibition and Convention Centre (BIECC) the opening of the Gulf Industry Fair (GIF 2016), in which 80 exhibitors from 16 countries are participating.

The three-day event, organised by Hilal Conferences and Exhibitions (HCE), will conclude on Thursday.

HRH Premier toured the fair, and was informed about the showcased products and modern industrial innovations in the fields of aluminum, energy, environmental protection, steel and alloys, industrial processes and manufacturing, ports, industrial facilities and logistics, industrial training, as well as industrial security and safety.

HRH the Prime Minister expressed admiration of the exhibited items and products in the field of advanced industry technology, which, he said, reflects Bahrain's distinguished status as a favourable destination for the conferences and exhibitions industry.

HRH Premier called on investors in the industrial field to focus on modern technology-based industries that could boost the kingdom's gross domestic product (GDP).

The Prime Minister lauded the increasing number of companies participating in GIF, which proves the confidence of the participants in the event, in terms of organisation and ability to attract investors.

HRH the Prime Minister stressed the importance of consolidating cooperation among countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in the industrial field to support their economies and provide their basic needs in this regard.

Despite the global economic challenges, efforts are underway to develop the national economy through supporting all sectors that generate job opportunities for the citizens, particularly the industrial field.

Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister Zayed bin Rashid Al Zayani extended sincere thanks and appreciation to HRH Premier for patronising the opening of GIF 2016 in which mega regional industrial companies are taking part, noting that the Premier's patronage reflects the interest of the leadership and the government in attracting modern technology and various international investments.

He pointed out that the industrial field in the kingdom is flourishing thanks to the directives of the leadership and the government to focus on industries, being a promising sector whose contributions to Bahrain's GDP is increasing progressively, highlighting the kingdom's strategies and visions, including the Economic Vision for Bahrain 2030.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hilal Conferences & Exhibitions (HCE) Anwar Abdulrahman extended thanks and appreciation to HRH the Prime Minister for patronising the fair, adding that the Premier's gesture embodies his keenness on supporting the industrial sector, given its importance as an important tributary to the national economy.

He asserted that the Prime Minister's constant desire to inaugurate the fair personally is badge of honour for HEC and is a catalyst for it to continue hosting various specialised regional and international exhibitions.

HCE managing director Jubran Abdulrahman extended sincere thanks, appreciation and gratitude to HRH Premier for his constant support to the fair which promoted it as the best platform for companies aiming to operate in the emerging industrial markets in the GCC region.

He underlined the importance of the timing of GIF 2016 for GCC countries amid the fall in oil prices, which, he explained, highlights the importance of achieving economic and industrial diversity.