*** US seeks faster expulsion of asylum seekers with criminal file | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US seeks faster expulsion of asylum seekers with criminal file

AFP | Washington     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The US Homeland Security Department proposed a new rule that would allow for swifter expulsion of asylum seekers deemed to be a national security threat or who have been convicted of serious crimes.

As he seeks re-election in November, President Joe Biden is under constant attack from Republicans, led by his presumptive opponent Donald Trump, with accusations that he is allowing undocumented people to cross over the southern US border in droves.

The proposal published Thursday would allow authorities to reject claims from asylum seekers with certain criminal backgrounds within days of their arrival in the country.

Currently, the applicants are allowed to stay until their case goes before an immigration judge -- “a process that can take years and is resource-intensive,” Homeland Security said in a statement.

The proposed rule will go into effect after a 30-day period of public debate.