*** NASA Monitors Three Giant Asteroids Making Close Approaches to Earth | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

NASA Monitors Three Giant Asteroids Making Close Approaches to Earth

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

NASA is closely monitoring three massive asteroids as they make their way past Earth today, with one coming significantly close to our planet.

The asteroid, designated ‘2025 CF,’ will pass within just 77,200 miles of Earth—approximately one-third of the average distance between our planet and the Moon. Measuring an estimated 12 feet wide, this space rock has not had a close encounter with Earth since 2013. Scientists predict that it will make another fly-by in January 2033.

Meanwhile, two larger asteroids, 2025 CD and 2025 CE, will also be passing by today. These asteroids measure approximately 22 feet and 43 feet in diameter, making them comparable in size to a bus. However, they will remain at safer distances from Earth, with 2025 CD passing at 396,000 miles away and 2025 CE at 680,000 miles.

In addition to these three asteroids, two more bus-sized space rocks will traverse Earth's cosmic neighborhood today, but they will remain millions of miles away. Scientists believe these recently discovered asteroids originated from the main asteroid belt, a vast region between Mars and Jupiter where over a million asteroids orbit the Sun.

According to NASA, the immense gravitational pull of Jupiter can occasionally disrupt the paths of these asteroids, sending them hurtling toward the inner solar system. When these space rocks enter Earth's vicinity, they undergo what is known as a 'fly-by.'

NASA continues to track these celestial objects, ensuring that any potential threats are carefully assessed. While none of today’s asteroids pose a direct risk to Earth, their movements provide valuable insight into the dynamics of our solar system and the behavior of near-Earth objects.