*** ----> Shamsaha app empowers women in GCC fight domestic violence | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Shamsaha app empowers women in GCC fight domestic violence

TDT | Manama                                                        

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Reported by Zainab Zaman

Women across the GCC can now access immediate support and information in the face of abuse and domestic violence with just a tap of their smartphones. Shamsaha Women’s Centre, the region’s leading non-profit crisis response programme, has revamped its mobile application, offering a safe haven for victims of abuse seeking help.

The enhanced app features user-friendly navigation and multilingual resources, connecting women with trained advocate volunteers 24/7.

Whether facing abuse from partners, family members, or strangers, victims can find solace and practical aid within the app’s secure space. “We want women to know they’re not alone,” says Mary Justine Todd, founder and CEO at Shamsaha.

“If you’re experiencing any sort of abuse, our volunteers are here 24/7 to listen without judgement and guide you towards the right resources.” Beyond emotional support, the resources we offer empower individuals to make decisions on their own and find the best solutions for their needs.

They also assist in navigating systems, providing support and knowledge for informed choices and confident manoeuvring through different processes, such as career consulting or legal information.

Since its launch, Shamsaha has directly supported over 70,000 women as of February 2024, offering medical resources, shelter referrals, and crisis intervention.


Shamsaha’s commitment extends beyond individual support. The organisation actively tackles the root causes of gender-based violence through awareness campaigns, workshops, and community initiatives. Their dedication to empowering women shines through their innovative app, creating a beacon of hope for those seeking a brighter future.

Download the Shamsaha app today using the QR code and find the support you deserve. Remember, you are not alone.


Scan the QR code to download the Shamsaha application


Mockup of the Shamsaha revamped application