*** Worker locked up, beaten by bosses | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Worker locked up, beaten by bosses

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

A worker was locked in an office overnight, roughed up, and threatened by his employers after they accused him of stealing from the company.

Prosecutors have charged the two men with unlawful detention, assault, and making threats. A court hearing has been set for 10 February. The victim’s ordeal only ended when his brother went to the authorities.

The worker, from South Asia, said he received a call from the first accused, ordering him to report to the company office.


When he arrived, he found the second accused already there. Without much talk, the first man demanded his passport. Not suspecting what was coming, he handed it over.

Then came the real reason for the summons. A video was played-footage showing him handing over money to other staff.

This, they claimed, was proof of theft. He denied it outright, but the two men weren’t having it. They demanded his belongings. When he refused, fists flew. Amount Later, the first accused phoned the worker’s brother, demanding he hand over the amount allegedly stolen.

Until the money was paid, the worker would not be going anywhere. The brother, unable to raise the funds, refused.

That was when the first accused ordered his accomplice to lock the door. The worker was trapped inside the office till morning. When he was finally let out, he was given strict orders-stay put in company accommodation and don’t leave until the amount was paid.

But instead of waiting, the worker’s brother arrived the next day and took him straight to the authorities.

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