*** Labour Ministry to honour workers in high-risk | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Labour Ministry to honour workers in high-risk

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Email: mail@newsobahrain.com

The Ministry of Labour is seeking nominations to honour citizens working in highrisk professions as part of the ‘For You’ initiative under the national ‘Bahrainouna’ plan.

Engineer Mustafa Aqeel Al Shaikh, Director of the Ministry’s Inspection and Safety Department and head of the ‘For You’ team, expressed the Ministry’s regard for citizens engaged in these demanding fields.

Al Shaikh noted that the Ministry intends to recognise 20 citizens selected by their employers, with a dedicated ceremony set for December.

The Ministry’s call for nominations marks the second wave of ‘For You,’ a programme forming part of The National Plan to Promote the Spirit of Belonging to the Nation and Reinforce the Values of Citizenship (Bahrainouna).

Nominations remain open until 7 December 2024, drawing attention to Bahrain’s dedicated workforce handling hazardous roles in the private sector.

Al Shaikh invited private sector employers to nominate employees meeting the programme’s conditions via an online platform: https://jobs.mlsd. gov.bh/main/superheroes.

Eligibility for nominations is based on the definition outlined in Ministerial Order No.(8) of 2013 which sets out safety and health standards for workplaces.

High-risk professions include work at heights, handling health-endangering chemicals, operating high-pressure equipment or high-voltage power, maintaining and installing electrical systems, and working in conditions involving extreme heat, noise, vibration, or radiation.

Scope The scope also covers tasks involving radioactive substances, potential carcinogens, and machinery with exposed parts. Other areas include work in confined spaces, professional diving, excavation and demolition, mining, lifting operations, and healthcare roles with risks of virus exposure.