*** stc Bahrain launches its yearly internship program under the theme 'emerge' for the first time to empower youth | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

stc Bahrain launches its yearly internship program under the theme 'emerge' for the first time to empower youth

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune - www.newsofbahrain.com

stc Bahrain, a world-class digital enabler, is making significant strides in youth empowerment and community development through launching 'emerge' the internship program which is being introduced for the first time this year following a revamp in its program format. This internship programme symbolizes the transformative journey that interns undergo, emerging as confident, skilled individuals ready to enter the workplace. It also empowers interns with future-oriented opportunities and professional guidance, encouraging personal and professional growth, resilience, and practical application of skills, enriching the overall internship experience.

Over the past 14 years, stc Bahrain has supported the youth by complementing their academic learning with real-world corporate assignments. Since 2010, the company has provided more than 80,000 internship and training hours, significantly contributing to the skill development of Bahrain's future workforce.

In line with the Bahrain Economic vision 2030, the emerge programme is a key component of stc Bahrain’s social responsibility policies and initiatives, demonstrating the company's commitment to giving back to the community and driving innovation within the organization.

stc Bahrain Chief Human Resources Officer, Eng. Fahad Alowaini commented, "This programme is a testament to stc Bahrain’s dedication to empowering local talent. We take immense pride in providing these enriching opportunities and eagerly anticipate the innovative contributions these interns will bring to our industry."

The two-month 'emerge' programme equips interns with comprehensive on the job training in their respective domains. In addition to this broad exposure, the interns benefit from capitalizing on the skills and capabilities of our internal human capital through our knowledge management program, which focuses on various fields including corporate presentation development, PR, CSR, design thinking, fundamentals of finance and more.

To further strengthen the program, stc Bahrain has partnered with the Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance (BIBF) and Injaz where the interns will receive a two-day specialized training in project management fundamentals provided by BIBF to enhance the interns' knowledge and skills in effective project management practices through courses, such as Project Management Fundamentals. The interns will also participate in a two-day iCAMP workshop conducted by INJAZ Bahrain, where they will acquire essential leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills.

In addition to this, stc Bahrain has established strategic partnerships with several universities across Bahrain such as American University of Bahrain, British University of Bahrain, Royal University for Women, Bahrain Polytechnic and University of Bahrain. These partnerships allocate a specific number of slots for summer and winter internships, along with stc Bahrain employees.

The emerge programme exemplifies stc Bahrain's dedication to cultivating the next generation of talent, paving the way for a bright future for Bahrain's dynamic workforce.

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