*** BCICAI win Best Chapter Overseas Award for 2023 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BCICAI win Best Chapter Overseas Award for 2023

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The Bahrain Chapter of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (BCICAI) was awarded the first prize for Best Chapter Overseas Award for the year 2023 in Category II (101 to 500 Members) at the recently conducted 74th Annual events of ICAI on February 8th, 2024.

The chapter has been winning awards in Category II for the eighth consecutive terms, among the 48 overseas chapter of ICAI operating across the globe. CA Sthanumurthy Viswanathan Meera, Chairperson along with immediate past chairperson CA Sharmila Shet and CA Vivek Gupta, Vice Chairperson received the award from Shri.

Om Birla, Honorable speaker of Lok Sabha and in the august presence of ICAI President - Shri Aniket Talati, Vice President - Shri Ranjeet Agarwal and other committee members of ICAI. On this occasion, BCICAI would like to acknowledge all the efforts taken by the past chairpersons, mentors, managing committee and the continuous support we have received from our sponsors and media partners which helps us in bagging the award year after year.

The Bahrain Chapter of ICAI is the largest body of professionals in the Kingdom of Bahrain, with over 450 members. It provides a forum for the members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) to develop professionally and personally. For more information, please visit [www.bahrain-icai. org](http://www.bahrain-icai. org/) or contact info@bahrain-icai.org.

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