*** ----> Anti-cybercrime set to tackle illicit accounts inside Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Anti-cybercrime set to tackle illicit accounts inside Bahrain

A rise in cybercrime has prompted the authorities of the Anti-corruption and Economic and Electronic Security to lay more emphasis to   confront accounts manage inside Bahrain and aboard with illegal contents that work against Bahrain and its people,

Director-General of Anti-corruption and Economic and Electronic Security  calls upon social media users to look after credibility and avoid circulating posts of accounts specialised in spreading malicious rumours that aim to harm security and civil peace.

He also appreciated the commitment of community members of not interacting with inciting social media accounts that promote sedition in a way that risk civil peace.

Furthermore, highlighting the importance of the solidarity between society members to correct wrong concepts and safeguard national accomplishments.