*** ----> High demand for plastic surgeries | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

High demand for plastic surgeries

ManamaDemand on cosmetic surgeries in Bahrain has jumped by 15pc, according to latest studies. It also revealed that “more men are interested in undergoing plastic surgeries than women in Bahrain”.

This came in a statement issued yesterday by Bahrain Medical Society (BMS), revealing the latest data about cosmetic surgery in Bahrain.

There is also a hike in the number of qualified plastic surgeons in the Kingdom, according to the BMS report.

Bahrain Association for Plastic Surgeons President Dr. Abdulshaheed Fadhl said: “Bahraini plastic surgeons have developed their capabilities to compete with experts abroad in this field.”

He said that this was a result of their (doctors) training and studies in advanced countries in the field of cosmetics medicine, such as United Kingdom, France, Australia and Singapore.

“Cosmetics medicine in the Kingdom of Bahrain is rapidly growing. This includes wound healing and repair operations. Other plastic operations that are highly demanded in the Kingdom are laser, filling and Botox operations,” he added.


Bahrain Association for Plastic Surgeons President Dr. Abdulshaheed Fadhl