*** Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Shorten Rehabilitation Period for Offenders | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Shorten Rehabilitation Period for Offenders

Bahraini lawmaker Jala Kadhem has introduced a legislative proposal aimed at reducing the rehabilitation period for offenders, allowing for a three-month period for felonies and one month for misdemeanors. According to the proposal, Article 391 of Decree Law No. 46 of 2002 regarding criminal procedures will be amended to reflect these changes.

The proposed text states that for rehabilitation, the following conditions must be met: The sentence must have been fully served, or a pardon must have been granted, or the sentence must have lapsed due to the passage of time. Additionally, a period of three months must have elapsed from the completion of the sentence or issuance of the pardon for felony convictions, and one month for misdemeanor convictions.

In his explanatory memorandum, Kadhem stated, "We present this proposal in line with the paternal approach demonstrated by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa regarding the reintegration of those who have served their sentences or received a pardon into society. 

This initiative aims to expand the application of alternative penalties and measures as per Law No. 18 of 2017, and aligns with contemporary criminal policies focused on reintegrating offenders into society and rebuilding their family and professional lives."

Kadhem stressed that the proposal seeks to enhance human rights and social cohesion by providing individuals the opportunity to reintegrate into society after serving their sentences. This, he noted, could positively impact both their personal lives and their families, encouraging rehabilitation and reducing recidivism rates.

The existing law stipulates a two-year waiting period for felonies and a one-year period for misdemeanors before an offender can seek rehabilitation. Kadhem's proposal aims to significantly shorten this time frame, thereby facilitating the process of obtaining a certificate of good conduct for employment in both the public and private sectors.