*** Labour Ministry reviews 2,587 grievances, approves 911 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Labour Ministry reviews 2,587 grievances, approves 911

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

The Labour Ministry ’s grievance committee announced that it reviewed 2,587 complaints between June and October 2024, of which 911 were accepted after careful consideration.

Common grievances included delays in registration following involuntary job loss, non-compliance with electronic attendance requirements, and refusals of job offers, training, or interviews. Some complaints also involved missed applications for opportunities or other procedural matters. In response to concerns raised by MP Basma Abdulkarim Mubarak, the Ministry referred to Bahrain’s Unemployment Insurance Law of 2006, which governs the benefits system.

Benefit payments and eligibility decisions are handled automatically by an electronic system, reducing manual intervention and ensuring consistency. The system allows individuals to file complaints, track their status, and view decisions.

It also connects them to job openings and training schemes tailored to their qualifications. These systems are integrated with the Information and eGovernment Authority to ensure accuracy and transparency.

Unemployment payments have been extended from six to nine months annually. University graduates now receive monthly allowances of BD200, up from BD150, and the compensation cap for dismissed workers has doubled to BD1,000.

The Ministry confirmed that some closed cases have been reopened after further review.

While the Ministry did not disclose the total number of closed files, it emphasised that its grievance-handling process reflects its commitment to fairness.

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