*** Saudi Mother of 19 Achieves Doctoral Degree While Balancing Family, Work, and Studies | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Saudi Mother of 19 Achieves Doctoral Degree While Balancing Family, Work, and Studies

TDT | Manama
Email : editor@newsofbahrain.com

Hamda Al Ruwaili, a Saudi mother of 19 children, has accomplished an extraordinary feat by achieving her academic dream and earning a doctoral degree, all while raising her large family.

In an interview with Saudi TV channel Al Ekhbariya, Hamda, now in her 40s, revealed the secrets behind her ability to balance motherhood, a professional career, and academic pursuits. As the mother of 10 boys and nine girls, she credits meticulous planning and unwavering dedication for her success.

“I don’t like chaos and haphazardness. So, I always plan my day carefully,” Hamda said. Her day is thoughtfully divided between work and childcare, while her evenings are dedicated to managing an e-commerce business and studying.

Hamda currently holds an administrative position in the mental health sector while successfully running an online business. Remarkably, she completed her bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees before the age of 43 and is now defending her doctoral thesis.

Despite the challenges of raising a large family, Hamda drew inspiration from figures such as teachers managing bustling classrooms and army officers leading troops. “For me, raising one child is like raising 10. I respond to their needs, help them achieve their goals, and encourage them to pursue their hobbies,” she explained.

Her dedication also extends to her children’s education. Hamda proudly shared that her children excel academically, with grades ranging from 94% to 100%. One of her daughters, a high school student, is supported by the King Abdulaziz Centre for the Gifted in Riyadh for her exceptional talents.

“Despite my great responsibilities as a mother of many children, I didn’t give up on my academic dream,” Hamda said. “Thank Allah, this success was not easy, but it is the result of careful planning and continuous family support.”

Hamda Al Ruwaili’s inspiring journey stands as a testament to perseverance, effective time management, and the power of family support in achieving one’s goals.

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