*** Science talent search contest winners to receive accolades | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Science talent search contest winners to receive accolades

The New Millennium School– DPS congratulated the winners of Sastra Pratibha Contest, an inter-school science talent search contest conducted by Science India Forum Bahrain, supported by the Embassy of India and Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

Four students of the school- Harikrishnan. K. Menon (Gra- de 5), Rushil Kaul (Grade 7), Aniketh Das Roy (Grade 9) and Parinistha Devdas (Grade 10) were selected as ‘Sastra Pratibhas.’

They were the toppers in their respective grades of the nationwide talent contest.

The winners will be honoured with certificates and mementoes at Science India Gala Award Function, which will be attended by prominent scientists from India.

Chairman Dr. Ravi Pillai, Managing Director Geetha Pillai and Principal Arun Kumar Sharma congratulated the students, their parents and teacher in-charge Santosh Sharma for the commendable performance.