*** A tribute to mothers | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

A tribute to mothers

ManamaOffering tribute to mothers’ for their unique role in raising children and contributing to society in immeasurable ways,  Al Hawaj Group held an “I Love My Mom” programme at the Four Seasons Hotel. 

“Al Hawaj Group is making a great effort every year to remind feelings that may be absent for many of people nowadays,” Jameel Humaidan - Minister of Labour and Social Development told the gathering. 

Expressing his love and appreciation for this programme, the Minister said Al Hawaj Group is making a great effort to organise such a happy occasion. 

The minister also urged all to uphold human values and to follow the model created by Al Hawaj Group in uplifting society, “which we used to do only through associations or ministries concerned.”

Jawad Al Hawaj, the Chairman of Al Hawaj Group Board of Directors, Ali Al-Asfour - Governor of the Northern Governorate, and a number of ambassadors, journalists and public figures attended the ceremony, which was held earlier in all Al Hawaj shops in cooperation with CrediMax.

Speaking on the occasion and honouring his mother with gentle words, Adnan Abdul Malik, CEO of Al Baraka Banking Group, said: “Honouring mother is a gesture that carries many meanings.” “The honour for my mother Mrs Aisha Al Matroushi today is a tribute to every mother for raising her children. 


“They reached the highest rank not only in work but also in ethics, education and good reputation,” Adnan Abdul Malik stressed. 

Nadia Adbahai, the winner of the Ideal Mother Competition held at Cairo University in cooperation with Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation, was honoured on the occasion. 

Al-Hawaj also honoured Jameel Humaidan for his efforts to improve the social development and welfare of the Bahraini family and for his valuable attendance and sponsorship of the occasion.

Earlier, a jury comprising of Amira Ismail, Mariam Zeyman, media professionals: Sami Hajras, Moanis Al-Mardi, Iman Marhoun and George Middleton read thousands of phrases and chose ten winners who will be honoured later in a special ceremony organised by Al Hawaj Group.

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