*** Motorcyclist wins BD8,500 compensation over red-light accident injury | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Motorcyclist wins BD8,500 compensation over red-light accident injury

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

A Bahraini motorcyclist has been awarded BD8,500 in compensation after a car, running a red light, collided with his motorcycle, leaving him with a 14% permanent disability.

The incident, which occurred while the motorcyclist was riding his bike, resulted in multiple injuries and six months of bed rest. According to lawyer Abdulatheem Hubail, his client filed a lawsuit against the driver and her insurance company following the accident.

The lawsuit initially sought BD500 in temporary compensation while requesting a medical assessment to determine the extent of the permanent disability.

The insurance company, in its defense, argued that it was not responsible due to the driver’s breach of contract by running the red light.

Medical examination

The court ordered a medical examination, which confirmed the motorcyclist sustained multiple injuries, some requiring surgery, resulting in a 14% permanent disability.

Following this assessment, the lawyer amended the claim to BD9,400 for medical expenses and BD6,600 for pain and suffering.

The court’s decision cited Article 158 of the Civil Code, which states that anyone causing harm is liable for compensation.


The court also referred to the Compulsory Insurance Law (No. 3 of 1987, amended by Law No. 7 of 1996), which allows victims of accidents involving insured vehicles to claim directly from the insurance company.

Considering the driver’s criminal conviction for reckless driving and causing the accident, the court ruled in favour of the motorcyclist, awarding him BD8,500 in compensation, plus legal fees.

The insurance company and the driver are jointly liable for the payment.

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