*** Hundreds of young workers sue McDonald’s UK alleging harassment | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Hundreds of young workers sue McDonald’s UK alleging harassment

AFP | London

Email : editor@newsofbahrain.com

More than 700 young workers are suing McDonald’s UK after widespread harassment claims were exposed in the media in 2023, law firm Leigh Day said yesterday.

Leigh Day is seeking compensation from the US fastfood giant on behalf of current and former staff who were aged under 20 when working at McDonald’s.

“Clients have described experiences of discrimination, homophobia, racism, ableism, and harassment,” the legal firm said in a press release, saying more than 450 restaurants were involved.

It follows a BBC investigation in July 2023 highlighting the testimonies of those affected.

The fast-food chain is one of Britain’s largest employers with around 170,000 staff, many of whom are young workers, including teenagers.

“Any incident of misconduct and harassment is unacceptable and subject to rapid and thorough investigation and action,” a McDonald’s spokesperson said yesterday.

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