*** Road rage turns to brutal attack: ‘Emergency lane driver’ jailed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Road rage turns to brutal attack: ‘Emergency lane driver’ jailed

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

A traffic altercation in AlHidd town escalated into an assault, leading to a court mandating a man in his twenties to pay 500 dinars for damages.

After the victim lodged a legal complaint, the assailant faced a month's incarceration before the compensation order.

The genesis of this tale lies in the waning hours of a workday, as the aggrieved party made his homeward journey. The assailant, exploiting the emergency lane, made a risky manoeuvre to overtake, nearly causing a collision due to insufficient distance between the cars.

The victim believed the defendant had actually hit his vehicle, prompting him to exit and inspect for damage.

Tempers flared when the assailant, having alighted from his car, let loose a barrage of expletives and physically assaulted the victim, hitting him on the head and causing him to fall, resulting in severe nasal and oral bleeding.

The victim subsequently filed a lawsuit seeking compensation for the material and moral damage suffered. The criminal court, taking into account the prior criminal findings, pinned the blame on the
defendant. This established the moral damage endured by the victim, including pain from the swollen nose injury and the shock and panic caused by the sudden attack.

The court found a causal link between the defendant’s actions and the victim’s damages.

It was thus decreed that monetary compensation was due, and the defendant had to pay 500 dinars in compensation. The court's decision serves as a reminder that such actions have significant legal and financial repercussions, reinforcing the importance of maintaining composure and responsibility whilst driving.