*** ----> Legislators says HM King’s landmark Russia visit sparks hope for global harmony | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Legislators says HM King’s landmark Russia visit sparks hope for global harmony

TDT | Manama     

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s visit to Russia has garnered accolades from legislators, who view it as a significant stride towards fostering peace in the region and on the global stage.

They say the recent summit in Bahrain, coupled with His Majesty's strategic visit to Moscow, at President Putin's invitation, bolstered collaboration with Russia and paved the way for enhanced Bahrain-Russia relations and inter-parliamentary cooperation.

During discussions with President Putin, HM King Hamad highlighted Middle Eastern affairs, conveying insights from Bahrain's 33rd Arab Summit, particularly regarding peace prospects in Gaza.

Lawmakers applauded the agreements forged during the summit, aligning with the directives of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalilfa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister to advance economic, cultural, health, and environmental sectors.

MP Jalal Kadhem applauded the swift actions to implement the summit’s resolutions, , underscoring HM King Hamad's dedication to international security and peace efforts.

“His Majesty the King has channeled considerable efforts into addressing pressing issues,” Kadhem said. Kadhem also highlighted the significance of His Majesty the King’s recent visit to Russia.

“The outcomes of the visit are critical for securing stability in the Middle East region and for opening new avenues for cooperation between the Arab region and Russia,” he added.

Referring to His Majesty's perspective on the relationship with Iran, he emphasized the goal of upholding regional stability through the principles of good neighborliness and cooperation.

MP Mamdouh AlSaleh agreed with these observations, underlining the significance of the visit given Bahrain’s presidency of the ongoing Arab Summit session. AlSaleh voiced optimism for prospective collaboration across various sectors including trade, investment, energy, and security.

Additionally, he echoed the leadership's perspective on Russia as a pivotal player in the global arena, with the ability to make meaningful contributions to international peace and security.

MP Jalila Alawi spoke about the impacts of the visit, especially in the political and economic domains against the backdrop of global tensions.

Alawi praised His Majesty the King’s eagerness to broaden relations with neighbouring countries and enhance Bahrain’s connections with the Arab and Islamic world.

King, Putin share light moment amidst horse talk

A candid moment between His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and Russian President Vladimir Putin was captured during HM King’s visit to Moscow.

In a screen grab from a video posted online, the two leaders can be seen engaged in discussion while also showing care for a horse. In 2016, President Putin had gifted HM King with an AkhalTeke horse, a breed renowned for its elegance and prowess.

The horse, named Khadjibek and born in 2012, boasted an impressive resume as the world champion in 2015, overall world champion in 2014, and winner of the world championship for young horses in 2014, as confirmed by the Kremlin Press service.

In return for this gracious gesture, King Hamad presented Putin with a sword crafted under a special royal order. The blade, forged from Damascus steel, is accompanied by a scabbard and handle crafted from precious metals, symbolizing the deep bonds of friendship and respect between the two leaders.


JALAL KADHEM HASAN, Northern Governorate - Second Constituency


MAMDOOH ABBAS ALSALEH, Capital Governorate- Third Constituency


JALILA ALAWI SAYED HASAN, Capital Governorate- Eighth Constituency