*** ----> Teen Bahraini trader inspires kids to pursue business | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Teen Bahraini trader inspires kids to pursue business

TDT | Manama                                                      

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Report by Zahra Ayaz

Adam Al Ameen, a 17-year-old Bahraini entrepreneur, is making waves in the business world with his innovative Young Trader project, aimed at training young children to become successful entrepreneurs.

He recently had the opportunity to represent Bahrain on the esteemed TV show “Beban” in the UAE, where he showcased the potential of the next generation of Bahraini business leaders. Adam’s passion for entrepreneurship ignited at a young age when he encountered a successful business owner.

Since then, he has been laying the foundation for his groundbreaking project. Adam’s journey began at the age of six, when he started selling his second-hand toys, unknowingly setting the stage for his future endeavours.

Reflecting on the success stories emerging from the Young Trader project, Adam expressed his enthusiasm to The Daily Tribune, saying, “We have witnessed numerous success stories among the participants of the Young Trader project.

For instance, one young trader who initially started selling coffee and other beverages in our programme eventually expanded her business online and is now a thriving entrepreneur.”

The Young Trader project offers comprehensive training programs and invaluable resources to nurture and develop the entrepreneurial skills of young children.


Before each event, meticulously designed workshops are conducted, covering essential aspects of entrepreneurship such as business planning, marketing strategies, customer service, and financial management.

Through these workshops, Adam ensures that the young participants are equipped with the knowledge and tools they need to thrive in the competitive business world.

What sets the Young Trader project apart is the incredible diversity of business ideas generated by the young participants. Adam exclaimed, “The kids participating in the Young Trader project come up with a wide range of creative business ideas that continue to surprise me.

From handmade crafts and baked goods to personalized artwork, these young minds showcase their individual creativity and entrepreneurial spirit.”


Adam’s ambition knows no bounds, as he continuously strives to expand and improve the Young Trader project, to reach and benefit more children in the future. His unwavering dedication revolves around refining and enhancing the programme and forging new partnerships, collaborations, and outreach initiatives.

Through these tireless efforts, Adam aspires to extend the project’s reach and impact, empowering more Bahraini children to develop their entrepreneurial skills and pursue their dreams. As Bahrain prepares to embrace a bright future in its business landscape, Adam Al Ameen’s Young Trader project stands as an inspiring example of the potential that young entrepreneurs hold.