*** ----> Embracing circular economy model | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Embracing circular economy model

TDT | Manama                                                    

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Reported by Zahra Ayaz  

In a recent gathering of prominent figures from various sectors, the call for a transition to a circular economy resonated strongly. The circular economy model, which emphasizes reducing waste, reusing materials, and minimizing resource extraction, was hailed as a pathway to economic sustainability.

Mr. Athanassios Polychronopoulos, President & CEO of PolyGreen (Greece), stressed the importance of abandoning the concept of landfills and embracing a culture of using, reusing, and recycling. He highlighted the surprising fact that older generations, particularly those aged 80 and above, demonstrated the highest rates of recycling.

Their upbringing, free from the throwaway culture prevalent today, serves as a reminder that adopting a more sustainable lifestyle means reverting to the practices of previous centuries. Mr. Pietro Calugi, General Manager of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank (UAE), emphasized the need to redesign the industrial system to promote economic growth while ensuring resource efficiency.

He argued that the first industrial revolution brought us to our current state of economic development, and now, we must embrace alternative models to drive progress. As an advocate of sustainable entrepreneurship, Mr. Ghanim Al-Sulaiti, CEO of Enbat Holdings (Qatar), highlighted the power of education and community engagement.

Enbat Holdings has actively visited schools and universities to provide knowledge-based sustainable information. By initiating conversations within the community, they have witnessed significant shifts in people’s behaviors and habits. Ms. Janka O’Brien, Director of Sustainability at Emerson (UAE), shared an inspiring story from her personal life.

Her twelve-year-old son, motivated by a project endorsed by the Ministry of Carbon Change in the UAE, embarked on a mission to collect and segregate plastic waste using smart boxes scattered across the country. These smart boxes, coupled with a mobile application, incentivise individuals by offering discounts at various stores.