*** ----> Bahrain Labour minister pays surprise visit to work sites, vows zero tolerance | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Labour minister pays surprise visit to work sites, vows zero tolerance

TDT | Manama                                                   

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Labour Minister vowed zero tolerance against those breaching the two-month afternoon work ban during a surprise visit yesterday to private sector work sites in Bahrain.

The ban from midday until 2 pm during July and August came into force on the first of this month. The decision follows Ministerial Edit (3) of 2013. Under Law 36 of 2012, violators could be jailed for up to three months and/or fined BD500 to BD1000.


During the visit, Jameel Humaidan went directly to supevisors and enquired about measures to ensure full compliance with the two-month work ban. Minister said the decision aims to protect workers’ health and safety and reduce occupational accidents.


Until now, the ministry had conducted 6,608 visits and caught 16 establishments and 27 workers for breaching the ban. Humaidan lauded private sector firms for rescheduling working hours during the ban.