*** Bahrain keen to host largest global parliamentary assembly in 2023 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain keen to host largest global parliamentary assembly in 2023

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

Bahrain is ready to host the general assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in 2023.

Speaker Fawzia bint Abdullah Zainal said that the Kingdom has presented an official request in this regard.

The move to host the largest international parliamentary assembly is based on Bahrain’s advanced institutional structure, highly praised democratic progress and expanding parliamentary experience, achieved thanks to the unlimited support of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, she said.

“The Council of Representatives is keen to build bridges of cooperation with friendly parliaments, to continue mutual visits with them, and to enhance joint action with international parliamentary institutions, especially the Inter-Parliamentary Union,” Zainal said as she received IPU Secretary-General Martin Chungong.

“Our ambition is to deepen the role of legislative councils, unify positions and visions on issues and topics of shared interest, and overcome the challenges facing the region and the world, with support through legislative and political efforts.”

Zainal stressed that the Council supports the efforts of the Inter-Parliamentary Union as a multilateral organisation that actively contributes to unifying the positions and visions of the world’s parliaments to contribute to the establishment of the principles of international peace and security, and a better future for the world.

Chungong commended Bahrain’s advanced levels in enhancing parliamentary performances in the service of the people of Bahrain and stressed that the Bahraini democratic experience is widely appreciated for its great and growing development.

He also hailed Bahrain’s commitment to continuing to use parliamentary diplomacy

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