*** Local variety shrimps sold in regional markets | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Local variety shrimps sold in regional markets

ManamaLocal variety shrimps are being openly sold in regional fish markets while shrimping is banned in Bahrain, videos shared by netizens indicate.

Pictures of large quantities of fresh shrimps being sold in central markets in Saudi Arabia are widely shared on local social media networks.

Interestingly, catch and sale of shrimp are banned in Bahrain as per a decision taken by Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning Minister Essam Khalaf issued on March 7.

The minister’s decision bans shrimping for six months, between March 15 and September 15. According to the resolution, violators are subjected to fines and penalties that include imprisonment and confiscation of boats and fishing equipment. Local fishermen had held a series of meetings recently with the concerned officials, including Minister Khalaf. They repeatedly demanded to harden punishments against violators and to intensify monitoring of coasts, exits and markets.


Probe sought

As a response to the circulating videos, MP Ali Al Ateesh demanded the authorities to launch an immediate investigation into the smuggling of fresh shrimps.

“We demand to know how these large quantities of shrimp reached a local market in a neighbouring country,” the MP questioned.

 “We understood the goals of imposing the ban and we support the protection of marine wealth. But we don’t understand how local variety shrimps are being sold in regional markets when Bahraini fishermen are prohibited from catching them. Official statistics show that our fish stock is declining. We demand the export of local fish to be banned by the authorities concerned,” he added.