*** ----> ‘Innovative workforce important to Bahrain’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Innovative workforce important to Bahrain’

The current economic conditions in the region, caused by low oil prices, will place even greater demands on countries to produce high-quality and skilled graduates, who can lead the private sector growth, according to Higher Education Council Secretary General Dr Riyadh Hamza.

He was speaking during the Higher Education Council workshops for all universities on the recently-introduced accreditation system for higher education.

“Creating an agile, enterprising and innovative workforce is of great importance to Bahrain and by the introduction of minimum accreditation standards, this is a step in the right direction,” he said.

“I am delighted that the higher education sector and employers have seen the benefits of accreditation and this will create confidence for students to come and study in Bahrain from other countries,” Dr Hamza added.

Representatives from all public and private institutes received training over two days, which followed two recent pilot inspections.