*** Thief drags victim in stolen car, lands three-year sentence | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Thief drags victim in stolen car, lands three-year sentence

TDT | Manama

Email: mail@newsofbahrain.com

A thief who dragged a man along the road with a stolen car before violently throwing him off during a robbery attempt has been sentenced to three years in jail.

Police said the thief, an Asian man in his fifties, sped off with the victim clinging to the door as he tried to stop him from escaping.

The suspect was arrested after police traced the stolen car and identified him from security footage.

The court also ordered his deportation after serving his sentence. The incident occurred on a busy street when the suspect approached the victim, asking for change for a 10-dinar note.

Offering some additional money as a gift for the change, he convinced the victim to pull out his wallet. Once the victim handed over 8.5 dinars, the thief grabbed the wallet and ran to his car.

In a desperate bid to recover his belongings, the victim clung to the car’s door as it sped away.

The thief continued to drive until the victim was thrown to the ground. Bruised and shaken, the victim reported the crime to the police.

Officers were quick to act. They reviewed security footage from a nearby camera, which showed the theft and revealed the car’s number plate, linking it to a previous crime.

Investigators traced the car back to the thief, whose identity was confirmed by the victim. He was arrested shortly afterward and taken into custody.

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