*** GCC envoys meet China’s Foreign Ministry official | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

GCC envoys meet China’s Foreign Ministry official

Manama : The Ambassadors of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrain and Arab Republic of Egypt along with the UAE Charge’ D’affaires, met Ambassador Xiao Junzheng, the Deputy Director of the Department of West Asia and North Africa Affairs at the Foreign Ministry of the People’s Republic of China.

They gave a detailed account of the reasons behind their countries’ decision to take sovereign measures to protect security and political stability of their states by severing diplomatic and consular relations and close land, sea and air spaces with Qatar.

The explained that the measures were in retaliation to the generous financial support, political cover and intensified media back-up offered by Qatar to extremist and terrorist groups and radical militias that seek to over throw the political regimes, create chaos, sow sedition and fuel sectarianism in their countries.

The diplomats affirmed the need for Qatar to take full responsibility and correct its foreign policy as verbal pledges are no longer acceptable in order to be able to engage in a transparent way and without double standards in regional and world efforts to combat terrorism.

“Qatar should implement the Riyadh Agreement of 2014 in full, respond to the reconciliation conditions and mediation endeavours led by Kuwait and not interfere in its neighbouring states’ domestic affairs,” they said.

“It should halt its support to and funding of the terrorist organizations and not foster or shelter terrorists who seek to fuel sedition, for the sake of our national security as Qatar is responsible for giving a foothold to the terrorists on its soil and within its population in a way that jeopardizes regional safety.”

The ambassadors also asserted their keenness not to cause harm to the Qatari citizens as a result of the wrong practices of their government and to take into account the humanitarian cases.

The Chinese side expressed sorrow and concern over the deteriorating relations of the four countries with Qatar and voiced non-interference in their domestic affairs, in line with the China’s stance to adhere to such an essential international principle.

The Chinese side affirmed that dialogue within the GCC framework and Kuwait’s mediation are the sole civilizational way to settle the conflict and deal with and de-escalate the crisis.
The Chinese side recalled the charters of the Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Councils and the significance of remaining committed to them as the ideal framework for shaping relations between the member states and directing them towards sustainable cooperation and constructive integration.

“China is bound by historic relations and advanced cooperation in multiple fields with the GCC states and is ready to offer advice and consultation if asked to so to help the concerned parties reach an urgent efficient solution to the crisis,” they said.

“This to help the countries of the region return to normalcy as a haven of security, stability, growth, development and prosperity, to foster solidarity, confront challenges together and effectively counter terrorism, extremism and sectarianism.”

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