*** ----> UAE astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi returns to Earth from ISS | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

UAE astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi returns to Earth from ISS

Agencies | Abu Dhabi

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The UAE astronaut Sultan AlNeyadi returned to Earth on Monday at 8.17 am local time from the International Space Station after spending six months in space conducting various scientific experiments.


After a 17-hour journey, AlNeyadi and the Crew-6 team landed in the Atlantic Ocean near Florida.

The crew began preparations for their return to Earth days before the due date.

The Dragon spacecraft detached from the International Space Station at a slow pace of 12–15 centimetres per second, and the spacecraft encircled the orbit at 28,800 kilometres per hour.


The trunk was detached, and the speed slowed dramatically from 28,000 km to around 560 km per hour for a smoother landing. Parachutes were deployed just before the touch-down to lessen the impact on the capsule and the crew upon landing.

A recovery vessel was sent to retrieve the crew and capsule from the Atlantic Ocean, and the four-member crew were flown to the medical bay for medical checks by specialists. The crew was flown to the medical bay for further evaluation.