*** ----> Face mask permit in Dubai: How to apply for an exemption | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Face mask permit in Dubai: How to apply for an exemption

Agencies | Dubai

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

If you are suffering from a medical condition that can be aggravated by wearing a face mask, you can now be exempted from wearing one.

According to a Twitter announcement, the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and Dubai Police have asked residents with certain medical conditions to apply for permits for exemption from wearing face masks by visiting http://dxbpermit.gov.ae. The application will be processed within five days.

Here are the steps you need to take:

1. Visit http://dxbpermit.gov.ae

2. Click on ‘Category’

3. Select your condition from the dropdown – ‘Special Needs’ or ‘Health Issue’.

4. Please enter your medical condition

5. On the next page, enter your name, Emirates ID number and nationality.

6. Also attach your emirates ID copy, as well as medical report.

7. Verify all the information and then click on 'apply'