*** Depression in adolescence | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Depression in adolescence

My 15-year-old son has recently become withdrawn and withdrawn from his studies and friends. He also stays up all night and gets angry when I ask him to eat. I’m concerned about his behavior and don’t know what to do.

I understand your worries. Teenagers are prone to becoming withdrawn and uncommunicative at times. However, the fact that your son is also staying up all night and getting upset when you ask him to eat signals that something significant is going on. Here are some ways for dealing with your son’s behavior:

Communicating with your son can be useful. Children may be unable to understand why they are upset or why life appears to be so difficult. Let him know that you are concerned about his actions and want to help him. Ask as to what is going on and why he is acting the way he is. Be patient and listen to what he says without passing judgment. Judgment in the sense of not underestimating his issues, not connecting them to his earlier behavior, and so on.

When your child is upset, don’t expect them to tell you. Young children, in particular, struggle to express themselves vocally. Adolescents and teenagers may be embarrassed or ashamed to admit that they have problems that they cannot solve on their own. Parents of children of all ages should communicate their concerns and ask questions in a caring, supportive manner.

Besides encourage your son to talk with a trusted adult. If your son is reluctant to talk to you, encourage him to talk to another trusted adult, such as a teacher, counselor, or coach. Sometimes it can be easier for teens to talk to someone who is outside of their family about what they are going through.

Setting clear expectations and boundaries also helps the child. Let your son know what behaviors are acceptable and unacceptable. Be consistent and realistic with your expectations and consequences. If the condition persists, professional assistance should be considered. They can assist you in comprehending and intervening appropriately.

It’s crucial to realize that every adolescent and teenager is unique. What works for one may not work for the next. Even if you are worried about your son’s behavior, it is critical that you maintain a cheerful and supportive attitude. Tell him you love him and are there for him. Be patient and explore until you find what works best for your son. Your son’s behavior may take some time to adjust. Be patient and understanding, and keep offering your help.


(The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Daily Tribune)