*** A mature summer of political progress | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

A mature summer of political progress


It would seem that we are seeing a maturing in our political and commercial processes.

The examination of a case against a senior MP on grounds of conflicting citizenship claims and his subsequent dismissal has led to an unexpected election re-run in Muharraq.

Many candidates have thrown their hats into the ring and we can look forward to a lively campaigning process.

Undoubtedly, the candidates will feel the heat this time round because they will face much more detailed public scrutiny on how they handle their campaigns.

The regular – if I may say, flippant – campaign trail promises and demands (such as moving the airport out of Muharraq) will surely be tempered.

Today voters are grappling with serious and real issues such as price rise and this by-election comes just ahead of the expensive school re-opening time when all families are scrabbling to balance budgets.

Traffic woes are making our roads inadequate and the longterm solution is to increase public transport infrastructure.

Add to all this our national commitments to alternative energy uptake, women in economic empowerment and youth engagement – these are the serious topics that candidates should address if Muharraq is to play a significant role in the future of Bahrain.

I was also very comforted to see that MPs are debating a meaningful re-design of fines for violations by micro and small business establishments.

In a country where MSMEs are constantly being showcased as the engines of growth, we do need to continuously assess how we are plugging loopholes and shaping the business environment so that it is not a one-size-fits-all.

A graduated and special approach to benefit small enterprises will stimulate more entrepreneurial ventures. We are heading to an interesting summer – one that will greatly benefit our Kingdom.

(The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Daily Tribune)
