*** ----> 11 reasons why you should keep your child away from hand held devices | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

11 reasons why you should keep your child away from hand held devices

Nowadays, it is a common yet disturbing sight to see young children using handheld devices like cell phones and tablets. However, according to experts, these gadgets should be avoided by children younger than 12.

 Undoubtedly, developing technology has significantly altered and improved our lifestyles. But no one can also deny the fact that it has a devastating effect on our health, and especially on the well- being of your children.

 Namely, these gadgets can greatly impair their development, so we should not allow them to use these devices.

 We reveal some serious reasons why you should not allow your kids use these devices:


1.Reduced Development

 These gadgets reduce the movement of all people, meaning that it can lead to a delayed development in children. Movement allows children to develop learning and attention- based skills.

 Due to this, almost one in three children entering school can experience delayed development, poor academic performance


2.Accelerated Brain Development

 The size of the brain of a child grows is tripled from age 0 to 2 to 21 years, and it develops fast during this period. Moreover, the brain development in the early childhood is based on environmental stimulus or the shortage of it.

 Thus, due to the overexposure to new technology devices can link the stimulation for brain development with improved impulsivity, learning difficulties, excessive functions, lack of attention, decreased ability for self-regulation and cognitive delays.



This addiction to technology may lead to a gap between you and your child. In the absence of parental attachment, they get more addicted to these gadgets. Studies show that one out of eleven children between 8 and 18 is a technology addict.


4.Eye Problems

 Long exposure to screens will easily lead to eye problems, or even a computer vision syndrome. You can prevent eye issues by limiting the amount of time you kid spends  in front of these screens (30 minutes).


5.Widespread Obesity

 The presence of gadgets in their rooms increases the risk of obesity by 30%, and the possibility of further complications of this disease.  Statistics says that 25% of all Canadian and 33% of all U.S. kids are obese.

 Moreover, around 30% of obese kids are likely to become diabetic, which raises the risk of a heart attack and stroke. Generally, this can seriously influence the life expectancy of the child.

 Sadly, the 21st century children may be the first generation that may not be able to live longer than their parents.


6.Aggressive Behavior

Violent media can lead to aggressive children. Therefore, kids should not be exposed to visuals of sexual and physical violence, often found in games, as well as TV shows, which present fights, murders, mutilation, torture, rape and sex.

 Due to all this, media violence has been classified by the U.S. government as Public Health Risk . Moreover, media also reports  frequent usage of seclusion rooms and restraints for aggressive children.



7.Mental Illness

 Frequent and long exposure to newest technology has been shown to lead to disturbing conditions in the development of children such as autism, child anxiety, psychosis, bipolar disorder, depression, attachment disorder, attention deficit, Problematic behaviour

 For instance, one in six children in Canada have been diagnosed a type of mental illness.


8.Negative effect on Children’s Future

 Technology lacks the ability to teach your child the practical life lessons and skills required for future life, so the overexposure to these gadgets and media may negatively affect its future.


9.Insufficient Sleep

 Experts warn that about 60% of all parents don’t pay attention to their children when they are using these devices. The parents of more than 75% of children permit them to use technology gadgets in their rooms, which means that they can stay all night awake.

 Namely, children from 9 to 10 are deprived from sleep, which complicated their function during the day and affects their success at school.



10.Emission of Radiation

 Cell phones has been classified in the category 2B risks due to the radiation emitted by them by the WHO in May 2011, which means that they can lead to cancer.

 After a thorough research in 2013, Dr. Anthony Miller of the University of Toronto’s School of Public Health proposed to reclassify exposure to radio frequency as 2A., meaning ‘probably carcinogen’, so this indicates that these devices are far bigger threat.


11.Digital Dementia

 New information presented by media leads to attention and concentration deficiency. Furthermore, as the brain cuts the neuron tracks towards the frontal cortex, the memory is also impaired.

 This means that the attention of your children is reduces, which can afterwards lead to reduces results in their learning process and in the performance of the daily tasks.

(Good Morning Center)