*** ----> St Chris conducts digital safety training | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

St Chris conducts digital safety training

Specialist Online Safety consultants from Digital Awareness UK, a leading online safety organisation, arrived in Bahrain to conduct specialist workshops with students, staff and parents at St Christopher’s School this week.

The organisation specialise in the latest trends in social media, focusing on the different ways in how young people use the Internet. 

Emma and Charlotte, the ‘Digital Sisters’, from Digital Awareness UK will be working with the school community while hosting interactive safety seminars and workshops across the school. One of our parent’s comments, “They have found a great way to balance serious topics with fun activities, while really encouraging families to discuss this important message at school and at home as well”.

Teachers, students and parents will be learning about the latest trends in how children and teens are using social media, apps and the Internet. Everyone will be equipped with the essential knowledge to keep children safe, whilst harnessing the opportunities that technology brings.