*** ----> Bahrain ideal place for a clean solar energy | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain ideal place for a clean solar energy

TDT | Manama                                                  

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com     

Reported by Julia Cassano

As the world faces catastrophic climate change and global warming, countries are beginning to invest in renewable energy, specifically solar energy, which plays a crucial role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change. What is solar energy?

Solar energy is clean energy that creates no carbon emissions or other heat-trapping greenhouse gases and avoids environmental damage associated with mining or drilling for fossil fuels.

Another benefit of solar energy is that it uses little to no water. Also, clean energies as such usually encompass energy in naturally occurring elements, by using wind, biomass, water, and the sun. GCC countries like Bahrain are ideal when it comes to solar energy, as they have some of the highest solar exposures in the world.

For instance, a solar-photovoltaic panel in a GCC produces twice as much output as it would in Germany or any similar European country, sources say.

Furthermore, the more GCC countries invest in renewable energy, the more benefits they will receive such as major reduction in the solar electricity prices in the region, attracting more investors in the renewable energy business, the rise of the innovative design of houses to utilize its structure in installation, and the rise of service and maintenance of solar technology companies.


On top of this, renewable energy leads and encourages countries to become more environmentally friendly. Not only can renewable energy lead countries to become more environmentally friendly within a large-scale, but clean energy can also impact a country on a smaller scale, such as private homes.

Speaking to The Daily Tribune, Rabie Abdalla, founder and CEO of Intelligent Renewable Trading, said that homeowners are beginning to realize the advantage and immense monthly savings by investing in solar panels to power their homes.

Many homeowners who invest in solar panels to power their homes are saving enormous amounts in terms of consumption.

“As Bahrain and other GCC countries are known for their hot and sunny weather, the region is the ideal place for solar energy. Private homes could save between BD370 and BD400 per KW annually, lessening their monthly EWA bills,” Rabie said.

He noted that by using such types of green energy in the Kingdom, it helps to reduce the load from the electrical grid, whilst protecting the natural environment. The Bahrain government has been aiming its efforts towards designing energy efficiency policies and promoting renewable energy technologies that support Bahrain’s long-term climate action and environmental protection ambitions.

Bahrain’s proposed renewable energy pipeline consists of solar, wind, and waste energy technologies, with plans to capture the majority of Bahrain’s renewable energy mix from solar power.