*** Two human traffickers to learn fate on March 29: Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Two human traffickers to learn fate on March 29: Bahrain

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

The High Criminal Court announced that it will issue its verdict on March 29 against two Asian men involved in locking up two Asian women and forcing them into prostitution. The victims are said to have been relying on the money they were generating through prostitution activities.

According to court files, the suspects kidnapped their victims and exploited them for prostitution by compelling them to have sex with strangers. The pair got exposed after one of their victims arrived at Salmaniya Medical Complex with wounds she suffered from falling down from the building in which she was held up.

She is said to have attempted to run away, and she slipped. However, she survived and revealed the identity of the culprits. “I came to Bahrain one year ago to work as a domestic servant for BD120 monthly. I got acquainted with an Asian woman on social media and she told me that she could get me a job in a local hotel or a hospital as a cleaner. I ran away from my sponsor and she was waiting for me and another man,” one of the victims told the prosecutors.