*** Attempt to smuggle fugitives by sea | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Attempt to smuggle fugitives by sea

ManamaRegarding the case of resisting the authorities and shooting police officers in Bahrain’s territorial waters, Al Hammadi said that it was an attempt to smuggle ten accused members of the organisation abroad. 

The individuals being smuggled out included a convicted fugitive from the Jaw prison, three who participated in carrying out the jailbreak and the organisation member who killed the police officer. 

Initially, the police warned the suspects who responded by opening fire on them. 

However, the officers were forced to exchange fire with the suspects, killing three of them and wounding others.

Explosives found were smuggled from Iran

The explosives, firearms and ammunition found in a boat in the Nabih Saleh area on December 1, 2016, were part of the schemes by the leaders and members of the terrorist organisation to smuggle them from Iran and Iraq into Bahrain via the sea and to use them in their terrorist crimes, it was stated.


Escaped convicts planned to go abroad

The breakout from the Reform and Rehabilitation Centre in Jaw was planned in order to enable the terror convicts to escape and carry out attacks in Bahrain and, for some of them, to go abroad and join the organisation leaders in Iran and Iraq. 

The jail break, carried out with the assistance of four members of the organisation from outside the prison, resulted in the escape of 10 convicts and the martyrdom of one policeman.


Policeman was monitored before murder

Investigations into the shooting of a policeman in the Bani Jamra area revealed that the terrorist crime was committed by a number of the organisation members who were not among the prison fugitives. The policemen was murdered under the instructions of the organisation’s leaders abroad to disrupt public order by targeting policemen in the Kingdom.

“The murder of a police officer in the Bilad Al Qadeem area was plotted by one of the organisation’s leaders in Iran and a member in Bahrain. The murderer who knew the personal and professional status of the victim monitored his movements before killing him with a machine gun supplied by the organisation’s leaders,” it was stated.