*** Saudi foiled Iranian bid to smuggle arms into Bahrain : Al Jubeir | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Saudi foiled Iranian bid to smuggle arms into Bahrain : Al Jubeir

Manama : Saudi Arabia has foiled numerous Iranian attempts to smuggle weapons and explosives into Bahrain, revealed Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Al Jubeir.

“We have explosives that Iran tried to smuggle into Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait. This is an aggressive behaviour. It violates all norms of international behaviour and law,” Al Jubeir remarked while giving a lecture on terrorism hosted by Egmont Research Centre, and organised by the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Brussels on Thursday.

In his response to the criticism of the Iranian Consul General against Saudi Arabia at the function, Al Jubeir said, “Iran is designated as a State that sponsors terrorism. Sanctions were imposed on Iran by the international community for its support to terrorism.” 

The Saudi Minister also commented on the continuous interference of the Iranian regime in regional countries’ affairs such as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.

Al Jubeir slammed the Iranian official’s accusation against Saudi Arabia of being responsible for the September 11 attacks in the US. 

Responding to the Consul’s statements that the majority of the attackers were Saudis, he noted that Iran had assisted Saudi criminals and top leaders of terrorist organisation by granting them Iranian citizenship.