*** A future-ready Bahrain Defence Force | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

A future-ready Bahrain Defence Force


When times are peaceful, we allow ourselves the luxury of talking about the uselessness of war, of countries at loggerheads. But when there is disagreement – about values, principles, borders – then our eyes open to the need for a well-trained, well-equipped defence force that will keep us safe.

Bahrain has a corps of dedicated and patriotic sons and daughters who are members of our Bahrain Defence Force and who take the lead in protecting us – our rights, our property, our lives.

Today, February 5, we are celebrating BDF Day to honour these men and women. Increasingly, the BDF has been called upon to participate in sorties far beyond the borders of Bahrain to protect what is right and to safeguard the GCC way of life.

There have been young martyrs whom our leadership has honoured and praised for the ultimate sacrifice of their lives. The keen commitment to the lives of the people who serve in the BDF can be seen from the regular reviews of the BDF’s needs by all the leaders.

His Majesty, the Supreme Commander, our Crown Prince and Commander-in-Chief and our experienced and able Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa form a triumvirate who encourage and equip our BDF with confidence and preparedness for every situation.

In recent years, there have been heavy investment in modernising the BDF’s equipment to state-of-the-art readiness; the personnel, both enlisted and civilian wings, have been encouraged and given the best possible training in military and administrative methodologies.

What next? We are in the Age of AI, so undoubtedly, the BDF too will look closely at how it can incorporate AI into its responses in the battlefield and in command centres. All of us have grown up listening to fascinating historical accounts of how military techniques and weapons like the use of elephants by Porus of Indus against Alexander the Great, the use of gunpowder by Mongolian invaders and so on – these turned the tide of the battle.

Likewise, Bahrain is preparing its forces with a judicious network of cooperation with larger armies and also independent upgrading with investment in people, equipment and future-ready technology. At age 56, our BDF is fighting fit and ready to serve our country. We salute all the bold people who protect us.


(Captain Mahmood Al Mahmood is the Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Tribune and the President of the Arab-African Unity Organisation for Relief, Human Rights and Counterterrorism)