*** ----> GM patent’s tech that takes control if driver is stressed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

GM patent’s tech that takes control if driver is stressed

TDT | Manama

The Daily Tribune – www.newsofbahrain.com

General Motors has reportedly filed a patent application for a new in-car system called "Vehicle Occupant Mental Wellbeing Assessment & Countermeasure Deployment."

The patent outlines a system that uses various sensors and modules inside the car to monitor the mental well-being of both the driver and passengers. If the system detects "an undesirable situation," it will deploy countermeasures to address it.

This technology monitors factors such as hard braking, acceleration, tailgating, horn use, and even cabin conversations. The system assesses the driver's mental state and, if it detects stress or negative stimuli, it activates several countermeasures.

Initial responses include alerts prompting the driver to "take a deep breath." If stress levels persist, the system can make hands-free calls or even connect the driver with a trained advisor. As a last resort, the system can engage advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to take over control of the vehicle, allowing the driver to disengage from active driving.

The patent specifies that the ADAS can provide a level of autonomous control, reducing the need for driver involvement. It's important to note that this technology is still in the patent stage, and it remains uncertain whether it will be implemented in future vehicles.