*** A campaign to fight rising fish prices in Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

A campaign to fight rising fish prices in Bahrain

Manama : To curb what they called the “greed” of fishermen and vendors, social media activists have launched a campaign to boycott fresh fish sold in local markets.

The campaign, under the slogan “let it rot”, is aimed at curbing the increasing prices of fresh fish sold in the local markets here.

The activists have called upon citizen and residents to “take an active part in curbing the price of fresh fish”.

“Bahrainis love to eat fish and prawns but they will boycott it to curb the greed of fishermen and vendors who are jacking up prices,” said a campaigner who did not want it to be named.

“The price of one kilogramme of fresh fish has reached BD6 to BD7, and some people are saying that people are still buying. They don’t know that they’re encouraging the greed of fishermen and vendors. Every one of them are increasing  and some times   decreasing  the  prices without any official or public monitoring. As consumers, we should boycott vendors who unjustly increase the prices. Don’t buy fish from these people,” social media activist Buhassan said in a video message.

In addition to Buhassan, several networks supported the actions against fishermen and vendors in the local fish markets, in a bid to reduce seafood products, which are one of the main elements in the Bahraini dishes.