*** ----> Arwa water safe: MoH | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Arwa water safe: MoH

ManamaThe Ministry of Health (MoH) has investigated into the complaints of contamination in water supplied by a Coca-Cola Bahrain under the brand name arwa and issued a statement saying the water is safe for consumption.

The MoH conducted the investigation after a message was floated on social media that a few individuals felt uneasiness after they consumed potable water supplied under the brand name arwa from Ansar Gallery. Ministry of Health examined samples of arwa water that were randomly taken from local market after hearing contamination rumours.

“As per the samples, the arwa water is safe for consumption. In addition, an inspection was also made to the factory to ensure product safety and the company is abiding by the health specification,” said a statement issued by MoH.

MoH has advised all the companies to take preventive measures to keep bottled water safe for human consumption and make sure that they abide with the health requirement and specifications as required by the MOH.