*** ----> Lending a sweet voice | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Lending a sweet voice

ManamaPeople of Bahrain will hear the sweet voice of Yasmeen Al Saeed from January 17 onwards as Bahrain International Airport launches its new automated Flight information facility.

“I am a voice artist. I record  voice over projects. This is my  new project for Bahrain International Project,” an excited Yasmeen told DT News

“Lovely seeing Bahrain’s youth being recognised and achieving new heights. Well done Yasmeen. Your voice will make history,”a social media user tweeted. 

BIA’s current number 17339339 will no longer be used for flight information. The new toll free number will be 80007777/80114444. 

Yasmeen did the Interactive voice response (IVR), a technology that allows a computer to interact with humans through voice.